
Readers React: Keeping students safe doesn’t require ruining teachers’ careers

To the editor: Thank you for the insightful editorial. I would like to point out that in addition to disrupting student learning, the practice of removing teachers from the classroom with little explanation and for an indeterminate period also harms good, caring educators who have been falsely accused and subsequently lose the careers they love. (“L.A. Unified’s ‘teacher jail’ policy ends up punishing students,” editorial, Aug. 10)

Many of us have fallen victim to this devious and unfair practice. It is devastating in many ways and needs to be stopped.

Yes, investigate when an accusation is made; however, do it quickly and fairly, and if the investigation reveals the teacher has done nothing wrong, then reinstate him or her so that neither they nor their students suffer.


Karen Logan, Pasadena


To the editor: Your editorial reflects a problem that goes beyond the Los Angeles Unified School District. We are living in an era of fear on the part of institutions — fear of being accused of lack of sensitivity in areas such as race and gender.

Rather than gamble on a more judicious, less destructive approach and risking harsh criticism for not having done enough, L.A. Unified took the draconian action of “jailing” teachers. There could not be a greater demonstration of the district’s concern for child safety. And, given the charged social climate on the issue of child safety, the pain and injustice to both teachers and students was, for the district, a rational choice.

Hopefully, your editorial will help to modify the equation.

Jack Kaczorowski, Los Angeles

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