
Readers React: Biden proves he can beat Trump by brushing off Harris’ attacks

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks to guests at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Annual International Convention on June 28, 2019, in Chicago.
(Scott Olson / Getty Images)

To the editor: In attacking former Vice President Joe Biden for his long-ago statements that supposedly raise doubts about his support for civil rights, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) may have done him a favor.

It is very early in a long, drawn-out presidential campaign. Headline stories are transitory, quickly replaced by the latest gaffe or revelation. News of President Trump’s serial deceits are here and gone every day, reflecting this reality.

Biden will survive this temporary setback and continue to demonstrate the qualities and experience that make him the best Democratic candidate to replace Trump.


Larry Lasseter, Brea


To the editor: The words that are following Biden should not be Harris’, but rather those of Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin), who told Biden it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders.

Experience is not a good thing if you haven’t achieved much during that time. Many of the problems we talk about today were problems that my mother complained about more than 50 years ago.

Biden sounds very Trumpian when he says that “this race shouldn’t be about the past.” So, we are to forget about how he voted in the past and trust him to govern the correct way now. I suppose he has some swamp land to sell us as well.


The torch must pass to a new generation. The old ones have messed things up bad enough and do not know how to fix them.

Shirley Conley, Gardena


To the editor: For Harris to grandstand against Biden in the Democratic presidential debate because of what he did or didn’t do decades ago is one thing.

But for the nation’s media to pick up on it and make it seem like a defeating blow to Biden’s campaign is just another example of how lazy and divisive they can be. Biden obviously held off blasting Harris for a variety of reasons, most notably because he probably did not want to attack his fellow Democrats.


Shame on Harris as well as the news media. Save your spite for Trump and the Republicans.

David Novis, Santa Barbara

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