
Readers React: Pumping privately owned water from the Mojave Desert is an insane idea

Well water bubbles into a spreading basin pool on land owned by Cadiz Inc. in the Mojave Desert on Aug. 13, 2012.
Well water bubbles into a spreading basin pool on land owned by Cadiz Inc. in the Mojave Desert on Aug. 13, 2012.
(Joe Cavaretta / Associated Press)

To the editor: Heartfelt thanks from an old desert rat for speaking out against the proposed outrageous water grab by Cadiz Inc.

Every time we lovers of the Mojave Desert think that this groundwater-pumping project has had the final stake driven through its bloodless heart, it lurches from its coffin in the dark of night and once again stalks the desert landscape.

Stealing precious water from this beautiful but fragile area has nothing to do with the “Emergency and National Security” priority that the Trump administration says it is, and everything to do with the enrichment of powerful, private interests at the expense of endangered habitats.


Gary J. George, Cherry Valley, Calif.


To the editor: Thank you for the insightful and provocative article on Cadiz’s plans to effectively drain the Mojave Desert’s aquifer.

Your editorial inspired me to call the office of state Sen. Richard Roth (D-Riverside), the sponsor of a bill to subject Cadiz’s plan to further review, and those of my own two representatives in Sacramento to voice my support for Senate Bill 307. This bill gives California a chance to demonstrate how it values the flora, fauna and recreational opportunities in the Mojave Desert, all of which would be compromised by Cadiz’s project.

Laura Jaoui, Claremont

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