
Opinion: Donald Trump’s disgusting exploitation of Bill Clinton’s accusers

Donald Trump before the second debate with, from left, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathy Shelton and Paula Jones.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)

To the editor: One of the most classless, disgusting moves Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made was to line up President Bill Clinton’s accusers in the front row at the debate Sunday night so his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton could see their silent condemnation. (“The women Trump invited to the debate do little to shed light on any bad behavior by Hillary Clinton,” Oct. 10)

I can’t imagine any married woman not being unnerved by such a stunt. To her credit, Clinton was composed and classy throughout, even though Trump frequently came up unnecessarily close behind her.

I’m a Democrat, but if Trump had been the Democratic nominee in any election of the last 50 years, I would have voted for Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain or Mitt Romney, all of whom would have been preferable to him.


Gloria Paternostro, Diamond Bar


To the editor: Since Trump is running against Hillary Clinton, not Bill Clinton, her husband’s past sexual behavior might seem irrelevant. But according to Trump, Hillary Clinton is an enabler, so she is as much at fault as Bill Clinton.

Of course, Trump’s own golf course chats with Bill Clinton, which he describes as much worse than his own words leaked last week, was not enabling but simply “locker-room talk.”

Trump is reminding us that it is always the woman’s fault. If a 12-year-old rape victim must endure a grueling legal deposition, it is not the male defendant’s fault, it is the fault of the young female lawyer at the time, Hillary Clinton.


And all those great and powerful men and their sexual indiscretions — it is not their fault, but that of their enabling wives, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Kennedy, Coretta Scott King and Melania Trump.

Steve Mills, Glendale


To the editor: Trump trying to deflect criticism for his lurid comments in the leaked tape by bringing up Bill Clinton’s indiscretions reminded me of a similar ploy when I once found myself in hot water.

Coming home with my report card with a D-minus in math, I knew I would be grounded for a week when my mother saw it, so I came up with what I thought would be a clever retort when she asked me to explain the grade: Yes, my D-minus is pretty bad, but my friend Chuck got an F.


She said that had nothing to do with me and I alone was responsible for my actions, and she grounded me for two weeks instead of one (with no television, I might add). I learned my lesson and never tried that line of reasoning again.

Did I mention I was 12 years old?

Darrell S. Breckenfeld, Corona


To the editor: Trump is an angry and abusive man who apparently hates anyone who opposes him. He believes he is running for dictator of the United States and says he will silence the press by changing libel laws and imprisoning anyone who dares stand in his way.

From the beginning of his campaign, members of the Republican leadership have cowered before him, and in their cowardice they have sacrificed truth, decency and civility in our political discourse.

What is the party of “family values” teaching our children and young adults?

Karen Wiechman, Los Angeles

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