
Opinion: High-profile accused predators like Roy Moore get all the attention, but what about other men?

Bumper stickers saying "#NoMoore" sit on a table during a protest of Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore in Montgomery, Ala., on Nov. 28.
(Brynn Anderson / AP)

To the editor: While we continue to read and hear about people like defeated Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and other accused sexual predators — in places ranging from the White House to Congress, from Hollywood to business boardrooms — we also need to be very concerned about those who are much less noteworthy and yet prey on females who are very young (I was 8 years old when I became a victim, and some are even younger). (“Roy Moore accusers feel vindicated by his Senate defeat,” Dec. 15)

These predators include fathers, stepfathers, uncles, neighbors, coaches, teachers and possibly anyone else who views a female as a target. These acts are never forgotten by those who suffer the abuse.

It seems to me that parents, educators and medical professionals must help victims feel comfortable about reporting their abusers to law enforcement and teach children and adolescents to always treat others with great respect.


Virginia Williams, Simi Valley


To the editor: While hopefully most, including me, are pleased with Democrat Doug Jones’ victory over Moore, let’s not overlook the details of what Alabama actually “stated.”

With what many consider an appalling and embarrassing candidate running in this election, only about 40% of Alabamans eligible to vote felt this issue was important enough to actually cast their ballot. Out of these people, barely half thought Jones was the better choice.

I am very relieved by the outcome, but I see no reason to celebrate.

Wes Correll, Irvine

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