
Readers React: Why Trump at the NRA convention deserves a gun-free zone, but the rest of us don’t

President Trump speaks during the National Rifle Association-ILA Leadership Forum in Atlanta in April 2017.
(Mike Stewart / AP)

To the editor: Let me gun-splain why you can’t carry a firearm if you go hear President Trump address the National Rifle Assn. on Friday. (“No guns but plenty of protesters expected when Trump addresses NRA convention,” April 30)

This is The Man we’re talking about, The Donald, Arbiter of the Truth, Sayer of Sayings, not some whiny school kids or uptight church attendees or seedy concert-goers who don’t need protecting.

If thousands of good guys with guns tried to save Trump from a bad guy with a gun, the high “collateral” casualty rate could put a crimp in the flow of dollars to uncounted numbers of politicians, and we know they rate higher than a few kids here and there.


Brian Bland, Santa Monica


To the editor: I understand (and support) the Secret Service’s policy of prohibiting NRA convention attendees from carrying weapons at events attended by officials under its protection, but where is Wayne LaPierre’s outrage?

The prospect that all of those law-abiding, responsible, gun-toting good guys will be prohibited by a government agency from exercising their constitutional rights ought to give the outspoken NRA executive vice president and CEO apoplexy. The irony is just too delicious.

Beryl Arbit, Encino


To the editor: Trump’s gun-free zone at the NRA convention is no more hypocritical than President Obama, a strong gun control advocate, being surrounded by Secret Service agents brandishing hard-core firearms to protect him.


Relax people, it’s common sense.

William David Stone, Beverly Hills

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