
Letters to the Editor: Of course Trump isn’t more humble and caring now that he has COVID-19

President Trump waves to supporters
In this image from video, President Trump drives past supporters outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., on Oct. 4.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: Scott Jennings’ suggestion that the president show a thimble-full of humility now that he has been diagnosed with COVID-19 is delusional.

Empathy, compassion and humility do not exist within this man. He has mocked a disabled journalist, attacked a Gold Star family, separated migrant children from their families and mocked former Vice President Joe Biden for wearing a mask.

The president does not adhere to the guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and he held what appears to have been a super-spreader at the White House that resulted in several of his associates testing positive for the virus.


And now Jennings thinks the president should tell Americans that “we are all in this together” because he is now experiencing the same disruption. If the president had leveraged the power of the federal government to respond to this pandemic, perhaps this country wouldn’t have more than 200,000 dead and millions infected.

Yolanda Mationg Raymundo, Torrance


To the editor: Jennings assumes that President Trump is capable of normal human feelings. After nearly four years of his wild and frightening presidency, it is clear Trump is simply too pathological to “fully understand” that he erred in “playing down” the COVID-19 pandemic, as Jennings puts it.

Therefore, this president would never “lay bare his missteps and shortcomings and demonstrate gratitude for the sacrifices made by all Americans in 2020.”


Expecting Trump to change for the better is like expecting a raccoon not to root through your garbage. Certainly you can make such a request of the raccoon, but don’t expect any more than a puzzled glance in response, followed by a swift return to the mayhem at hand.

Ron Shinkman, Northridge


To the editor: It is hard to imagine that Trump “can muster some humility” regarding his bout of COVID-19. It is much more likely that he would gloat at how quickly he bounced back because he is so special.

Never mind that he had the best medical care in the world, something more than 7 million other Americans who tested positive for COVID-19 did not, especially people of color. Trump’s brazen refusal to follow health protocols has surely infected many others who have or will suffer because of him.


A sound bite of fake concern for the masses, if forthcoming, should be seen for the “fake news” it would actually be.

Linda Shahinian, Culver City
