
On the issues


Planning for the unexpected increase in student numbers over the next

decade is the biggest challenge, Kittredge said.

“This includes appropriate land use, with strong public input and

maximal use of existing resources. The district must be a good neighbor

while at the same time expand the class offerings and meet the needs of

business for a well-educated work force.”

The colleges were designed before the advent of computers, and the use

of computers in many classes has put a strain on the space available, he

added. Increased classroom space must be directed toward meeting the

changing needs of the new students and community.

“To help them to be successful, we need to grow and change with them.

Transfer programs are vital. We need to plan as well for vocational

programs that serve the needs of our local community.

“As the district plans to ensure success for a diverse student body,

it also must hire more qualified faculty to meet this demand.”


“From recent board meetings, I can see that it is difficult to

understand some budget procedures. The current board majority seems to

simply nod and pass through most spending proposals without comment.

When elected to the Coast Community College District Board of

Trustees, my first priority will be to seek true accountability for

fiscal matters.”
