
Philanthropic clan lauded again

Deirdre Newman

The Segerstrom family will be honored tonight at the Reach Out Awards

at the Sutton Place Hotel in Newport Beach. The YMCA of Orange

County, along with philanthropists John and Donna Crean, will host

the event, a major fundraiser for the YMCA.

The Segerstroms are being honored after having donated land for a

new YMCA in Santa Ana that will serve about 80,000 children, said

Adrienne Stokols, director of community development for the YMCA.

Fourteen of the Segerstrom family will attend, including Henry and


This is the 29th year the event will be held. Last year, it raised

about $125,000, Stokols said. The money is used on YMCA programs that

serve inner-city, high-risk youth like after-school education and

enrichment activities and family counseling.

“They really are for the most vulnerable segments of the

population,” Stokols said.

The Creans are co-hosting the event because they are long-term,

major supporters of the YMCA, Stokols said. Tickets to the Reach Out

Awards are $100, and underwriting opportunities are available.
