
Giving back to the community

Ketta Brown

The season has certainly shown itself here at Laguna Beach High


We are having our annual Holiday Boutique from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturday in the Quad at the High School. Vendors from throughout the

area will be there displaying crafts and wares. The Honors Chorus

from Top of the World and El Morro will be there to perform holiday

songs in a thinly veiled attempt to lure their parents onto campus to

spend freely. These same parents should remember that their singers

will be here sooner than they expect and will benefit from the

enhanced technology that this event will provide. Truly, I hope many

of you in the community will attend. Thanks goes to Pam McKay and

Kerri Pellow for all of their work on this event. It should be a

smashing success.

Although the boutique will directly help the high school, many

other events are occurring that will enhance the social education of

our students. Jeannie Harrell is our community service liaison and

has some great programs going to help families in need. She has begun

a drive to get cash and gift certificate donations to Home Depot,

Target, Wal-Mart and Lowe’s to send to volunteer construction workers

who are helping families devastated by the hurricanes in Florida this

past fall. In addition, toys will be collected to send to military

families who are apart this Christmas. There is also a canned food

drive planned to benefit the Laguna Resource Center.

Chris Krach’s Interact Club will again adopt a local family and

provide a fantastic holiday for them. If any in the community are

interested in donating, please don’t hesitate to contact the high

school. We are so blessed here in Laguna that it becomes easy to turn

a blind eye to those who are not as fortunate. I commend Jeannie and

Chris for reminding all of us that it honestly is “better to give

than to receive”.

Finally, the dedication for the new construction at the high

school will be at 9 am on Thursday. The community is invited to

attend and see some of the improvements that have brought Laguna

Beach High School into the 21st century. Thank you to everyone for

supporting our schools in such a concrete manner.

Oh, one more thing. For those of you who haven’t heard, the

Breaker’s boys’ cross country team placed first at state on Saturday.


* KETTA BROWN is the president of the Laguna Beach High School

