
Do as I say, and not as...

Do as I say, and not as I do, take your own advice

It seems by all the continuing nasty vindictive letters from some

of the Village Laguna troops accusing others of running a nasty

election campaign and indulging in personal attacks, that they should

take their own advice. I guess their motto should be, “Do as I say,

not as I do.”

Sure there were a lot of attacks by all sides on both issues and

personalities; but unfortunately that is the name of the game in

politics. As President Harry Truman said, “If you can’t take the

heat, stay out of the kitchen.” Most of us do not subscribe to

hostile attacks and often as not, they backfire on the accusers,

which is probably the main reason that campaigns are not usually too


At this point the election is long over and it’s time to cease

personal attacks and divisive maneuvers on both the winners and

losers. Now let’s just concentrate on pushing through the various

agendas most of us have on the merits of the projects.


Laguna Beach

Gratz is part of the problem, not the solution

When the Laguna Beach City Council appointed local attorney Gene

Gratz to the Design Review Task Force committee he was not selected

on the first ballot, no surprise. There was another volunteer

unfortunately passed over, an attorney who was a great deal more

qualified, James Johnson. Perhaps the council felt that as a

long-standing pariah maybe Gratz could assist in negotiating some

positive, proactive solutions to this increasingly acrimonious circus

we call the Design Review Board process. Like a mischievous teen, get

him off the mean streets, put him to work and keep him out of

trouble. Instead of being integral in solutions, he’s exacerbated the

problems by his incredibly ugly recent behavior.

It is well-known that Gratz litigated this same board, the city,

and even his own neighbors when things didn’t break his way several

years ago. Nowadays, Gratz often sits at the back of council meetings

and swoops down like a prototypical chicken hawk on unsuspecting

prospective clients who complain about Design Review Board-related


At the Nov. 16 council meeting, Councilwoman Toni Iseman asked the

magic questions of the city attorney: Had the council in fact

designated an inappropriate person? Was there an inherent conflict of

interest, even if only via appearance or perception? “Only if the

council believes so,” was the response. Iseman suggested that fellow

council members either drop Gratz off the committee or require that

he not be allowed to do his bellowing, braying and bullying

histrionics before Design Review Board until after the Task Force

sunsets. No one commented, and the issue died.

If the council members had attended the Nov. 4 review board

deliberation over the so-called Dip House at 1530 Glenneyre St. they

would have been treated to one of Gratz’ typical, venomous tantrums.

He derided the review board members individually, disrespectfully

chastised them as if scolding a lower life form, spoke in a

pseudo-intellectual mode as if pleading before the U.S. Supreme

Court. Puffed up by his recent appointment, full of himself, he swept

his arm back grandiosely toward the approximately 20 interested

opponents before they had uttered a word and shouted: “All of these

people who are going to testify are irrelevant.”

The City Council should make him irrelevant by removing him from

his position as a committee member. His narcissism leads him to place

his personal pocketbook above the legitimate legal rights of this

community. The council didn’t create this controversial little

monster, but they’ve empowered him, given him the opportunity to

subvert the committee goals.


Laguna Beach

More information needed about donation to hospital

Cheryl Kinsman’s suggestion for a donation brings to mind the

strong advice I’ve heard again and again throughout the years from my

own CPA, attorney, friends and foes alike -- never send money to

anyone or any organization unless you know exactly who/what is

receiving that money and just exactly how it will be spent.

She omitted that very important information in her “sounding off”

statement last week (“Medical center deserves praise not criticism,”

Coastline Pilot, Nov. 26).

It’s time to come clean Kinsman because this community has long

cherished it’s hospital and would like it to survive.

However a “pig in a poke” somehow doesn’t seem to be the best way

to go about it. Be specific.

My check is made out. I’m waiting.


Laguna Beach

The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If you would

like to submit a letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach,

CA 92652; fax us at (949) 494-8979; or send e-mail to

[email protected]. Please give your name and include your

hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only.
