
Parents address Sagebrush issue

Shortly after Glendale school officials postponed a vote that would define terms of a territory transfer to La Cañada Unified, two local residents from the disputed “Sagebrush” area addressed the LCUSD school board on the matter.

Speaking Monday in a public comment, Sagebrush parent John Womack thanked the board for changing the order in which it accepts transfer applications to give a higher priority to Sagebrush families who not only live but work in La Cañada.

The board held a special meeting July 17, two days after Womack appeared at a regular school board meeting to request that the prioritization be reconsidered. As a result of a unanimous vote to reorder its acceptance priority, Womack’s 6-year-old daughter will now be able to attend La Cañada schools.

“Thank you,” Womack told the board. “Because of your actions, my little girl will start Palm Crest at 8:10 (a.m.) tomorrow.”

Also speaking in a public comment, Sagebrush resident Nalini Lasiewicz, an active member of pro-transfer advocacy group Unite LCF, urged board members to be proactive in continuing talks with Glendale Unified.

The Sagebrush resident expressed concern that recent backpedaling by GUSD has contributed to an air of hostility toward Sagebrush families wishing to be a part of La Cañada’s school community.

“We feel so unwelcome there and so disrespected. We’re just longing to be full partners with La Cañada,” she said. “I feel like they look at our 900 homes and see 900 dollar signs — not once have they talked about our children.”

La Cañada Unified Governing Board President Ellen Multari said she hoped to have more information on recent negotiations at the board’s next regular meeting on Aug. 26.
