
More sparkle for Las Vegas

Special to the Los Angeles Times

Las Vegas: A chart accompanying an article on new Las Vegas attractions in the Dec. 30 Travel section misspelled the first name of a magician preparing a show for Cirque du Soleil. The correct spelling is Criss Angel, not Chris Angel. The chart also misspelled the name of the Fontainebleau hotel as Fountainbleu.—

CatHouse -- nightclub at the LuxorOpening date: This weekend

The Bank -- nightclub at BellagioOpening date: New Year’s Eve

The Palazzo -- new resort next to VenetianOpening date: Imminent

CUT -- steakhouse at the PalazzoOpening date: Imminent

Starlight Tattoo -- tattoo parlor at the House of BluesOpening date: February

Trump Hotel/Towers -- condominium towersOpening date: Early 2008

Cirque du Soleil -- new show with Chris AngelOpening date: Summer 2008

CityCenter -- multiuse, residential-retail-resortOpening date: November 2009

Fountainbleu Las Vegas -- new 4,000-room resortOpening date: Fall 2009

Las Vegas Convention Center -- expansionOpening date: Late 2010
