
Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Amphibians star at this Angels Camp annual fair. The Gold Rush-area city inaugurated the frog jump, in the tradition of Mark Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” on Main Street in 1928. Now more than 2,000 people enter the contest. The old-fashioned fair also has livestock exhibits, rodeo events and four stages of entertainment. You don’t have to train your own frog; if you want to participate and need a frog, one will be provided.

When, where: May 16 to 20 at Frogtown, 101 Frogtown Road, Angels Camp, Calif.

Admission: $9; 12 and younger, $5

Info: (209) 736-2561,; tickets are available online

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