
Your Scene: Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

Real gold or not? Give it a guess. Here’s a clue: The dome rises about 60 feet and is about 60 feet in diameter. Assuming the shape is spherical, the surface area is about 5,600 square feet. That’s a lot of gold.

Ready for the answer? It falls somewhere between yes and no. The exterior of the dome is made of an aluminum and bronze alloy, but it’s covered in gold leaf (176 pounds of it), compliments of King Hussein of Jordan.

The Dome of the Rock stands in the Temple Mount area of Jerusalem’s Old City. The complex, completed in 691, is one of the oldest existing Islamic monuments in the world.


Times reader Steven Rosenfeld shot this photo.

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Read about Israel:

Jerusalem, where the spirit moves
Tel Aviv: A modern city in an ancient land

-- Jason La
